Thursday, June 12, 2008

Some of my fav pic...

EURO 2008

This is the first time I’m really crazy bout this game. I know all the team, who’s the player, their achievement and history of the previous Euros…Not in details of course, but enough for me to enjoy every match that I watch, you know, who they are and which team they belongs to. Last night I watched match between Portugal and Czech…haha…I’m the rose among the thorns. I don’t know why I’ve become so fanatic about football lately…Maybe, I’m kind of bored with the ‘girls stuff’ and why not sometimes switch to ‘boys stuff’…haha…Girls, I told you…It’s fun and worth watching!! (^_^)

End of the Spear….A true story.

This is the book I read currently, a story of a mission work in Ecuador, among the Waodani community. For me personally, this book really inspired me, even though I haven’t finished reading it. It is written by Steve Saint. This is the brief introduction of the author.

“He grew up in Ecuador in close community with the Waodani. His father, Nate Saint, was martyred while attempting to befriend the Waodani. At the request of the Waodani elders, Steve returned to the Amazon in 1995 with his family. His experiences in the jungle led him to establish I-TEC, a non-profit organization that assists the ‘hidden church’ in its journey toward independence, self substance, and maturity”

Here’s the review:

From the backcover

“Steve Saint was only five years old when his father was brutally killed by Waodani warriors, men from the most savage culture ever known. But in a story almost too amazing to be true, Steve eventually comes to know- and even love- the very ones who drove the spears into his father’s body.

Decades after their lives were changed by learning to walks God’s trail, the Waodani ask Steve to return to the jungle with his family to live among them and teach them how to interact with the encroaching outside world. Striving to mesh his two very different worlds, Steve must face the tragic events of his past and learn to fully trust God through terrible danger, great loss and remarkable joy.”

I love reading biography, especially of those who giving their life to the mission work of God. For example, besides this book, I’ve read Vision for God, The story of Dr. Margaret E. Brand, served on the staff of the Christian Medical College and Hospital in Vellore, South India for eighteen years. In India she became a world expert on leprosy’s effect on the eye…and for twenty two years she is the staff of Gillis W. Long National Hansen’s Disease Center in Carville, Lousiana, where she was the Chief of Ophthalmology. Other than that, I’ve read about Ravi Zacharias, Elisabeth Elliot and Ben Carson in Gifted Hands. All these people are professional in their area. Yet in their professionalism, they responded to God’s mission and bring impacts to others around them and even to the whole world. I hope that I can be like one of them, but of course in a way that God has chose for me…I want to be part of God’s mission even in my own area of expertise…Keep Praying….Amen.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The more I want to 'discard' him from my life, the more things I get to know bout him...

I really want to know from you readers, how to forget and totally erase memories of a person from your life? I've this problem. I don't want to think about him, yet he keep coming to my mind and to my life. I want to ignore him and don't want to know what's going on with his life, but the info related to him keep coming to me. Why I want to forget bout him? Because, thinking of him cost me so much hurts. Sometimes, instead of praying for him, I pray to God that I can totally not thinking bout him and forget bout him. But I still can't. I wish for one single day, whereby there is no single thoughts of him. Alangkah bahagianya saya kalau itu yang terjadi...banyak lagi hal2 lain untuk difikirkan, tetapi kenapa dia yang sering muncul dalam fikiran saya ni...aduh!!!...Anyway, I believe God always has the right timing for everything to happen. When? I don't know...But, I really hope today, tomorrow, or the next day. I hope....

Monday, May 5, 2008

Four out of seven....maksudnya?

Out of seven days last week, four days I was in the church, all day long...thursday till sunday I was so busy with church activity... and I really enjoyed my weekends dou...1-3 may, we have a seminar for sunday school teacher and on sunday we had a church opening in Cheras awana...I'm very tired today(monday) and too exhausted to write anything... Even, our lab will be moving back to faculty and some renovation to our house need to be done by this week. Anyway, out of my my tiredness, I'm really thankful for God's strength and answered prayer for the entired week...Last week I mention about all things new in my life, indeed I've a new calling...Be a teacher to our little kids in church...hehe...I'm called to be a sunday school teacher. I would say yes for this, because, somehow deep inside my heart I believe, God has a beautiful purpose in it. And, another thing, I'm so thankful and joyful for He has answered my prayer. I almost give up in my prayer, but last friday night, after receiving an unexpected phone call from my friend, I know God has answered my prayer...still have keep on praying, and 'segala sesuatu akan berlaku indah pada waktunya'....I guess that's all till now...I'm too tired to write more...Keep on typing a wrong words and wrong spelling.hehe..I hope I can 'shut down' my 'system' an have a deep deep sleep, but I've to wait till 5 pm when I'm back home...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm the Iron Man...hehe...

Yesterday (29th April), I went for Iron Man special screening show in One Utama GSC. Wow!! I and my friends were so excited bout it because it’s a premier show and its free (VIP Access)!!!...hahaha...Actually, I'm not really into superheroes movie. If you ask me if I've watch Superman, or Batman or even Spiderman, I would hardly can recall weather I've watched it or not. Not my kind. But, Iron man was a bit different. The message it carries added with the advances in technology (though sometimes it's illogical), really capture my attention. Worth watching I can say. With a little bit of humor here and there, and its mankind message, make this movie a good viewing for those who love thriller, action, or ‘transformer’ kind of movie. Well, this is my own opinion. The rest is up to you readers to comments. Go and watch it!!!

My ‘new-bought’ baby….

Oh my baby…how I love you so much…and I promise to take care of you well…

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Who is my Mr. Right?

At the age of 25, I’m very anxious to know who is my Mr. Right will be. Well, to be more biblical, I would call him my “Adam”. You know the story. Adam and Eve…Eve was created for Adam. I always told my best friend bout this and she always scolds me. Ya la…why so hurry. I’m only 25, she says and there are still many years ahead before I’m totally ready for marriage life (Only God knows when is the right time…”Indah pada waktunya”.

Anyway, this issue is not new to me. As a Christian, marriage is a life time commitment and not something that you can change when you get bored with it…I’m looking for God’s chosen man of course, that has a same vision with me. Or my vision is same with him. Different character is not a problem. I’m introvert and I realized I need an extrovert person to make the relationship more blooming, if God’s willing, of course. I need someone who completes me…mungkin lebih mudah kalau saya katakan dalam BM…sesorang yang melengkapi dan saling melengkapi di antara satu sama lain…I’ve no experience but this is my prayer. The question is…what are the criteria that I’m looking for? The best answer to this question is Psalm 112. That has been my prayer for the last two years until now. Have I found ‘him’? hmmmm….nope… I can only say ‘I’ve found him’ on my wedding day and that’s definite…Amen.

Psalm 112 (New International Version)

1[a] Praise the LORD. [b]
Blessed is the man who fears the LORD,
who finds great delight in his commands.

2 His children will be mighty in the land;
the generation of the upright will be blessed.

3 Wealth and riches are in his house,
and his righteousness endures forever.

4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,
for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man. [c]

5 Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely,
who conducts his affairs with justice.

6 Surely he will never be shaken;
a righteous man will be remembered forever.

7 He will have no fear of bad news;
his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.

8 His heart is secure, he will have no fear;
in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.

9 He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor,
his righteousness endures forever;
his horn [d] will be lifted high in honor.

10 The wicked man will see and be vexed,
he will gnash his teeth and waste away;
the longings of the wicked will come to nothing

ALL THINGS NEW!!!…that’s how my life is…

SEMUANYA BARU !!!...Inilah kehidupan ku…

Tiba-tiba ja saya rasa semuanya dalam hidup ini menjadi BARU…buat pertama kalinya saya akan menulis dalam BM…hahaha…(I feel weird, cos my BM is terrible sometimes). Apapun saya cuba lah…Cayo!!cayo!! hehe…dua minggu pertama bulan Mei ini, hidup saya akan, ataupun sedang mengalami banyak perubahan. Antaranya, pindah rumah, pindah makmal, barangan peribadi yang baru (segan la mau cakap apa), boy friend baru (ooppsss!!! Acah ja), dan semuanya serba serbi baru…Kadang-kadang, ini membuatkan saya tertanya-tanya. Bukan saja saya mengalami hal-hal yang baru tetapi juga teman-teman dan housemate pun mengalami hal yang sama...

Secara peribadi, hanya satu hal saya dapat katakan, seperti setiap hari dalam hidup kita adalah hari yang baru, begitu juga hidup kita punyai musim yang baru...seperti kata seorang teman saya, ”indah pada waktunya” (Thanks Bie for always reminding me )... Bila Tuhan sudah merencanakan sesuatu yang baru bagi kita, sesuai dengan ketetapanNya, hal itu akan terjadi indah pada waktunya. Hanya kita tidak tahu bila, bagaimana dan di mana...Ada waktunya, sukar saya rasakan untuk meninggalkan hal-hal yang lama, apa lagi jika sesuatu itu punyai memori indah dan meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam dalam hati kita. Contoh yang paling mudah yang boleh saya ambil kekasih lama...bila kita mencintai seseorang (ini maksudnya yang sungguh2 dan bukan main2), tidak mungkin kita dengan mudah akan boleh mencintai orang lain pada waktu yang sama (kalaupun ada, itu bukan sungguh2 namanya) atau pun selepas itu. Namun, bagaimana kiranya hubungan itu tidak menjadi? Mau tak mau kena lupakan juga kan...Inilah yang paling susah dilakukan terutama sekali kalau individu tersebut masih punya perasaan yang mendalam. Ini salah satu contoh...

Bagaimana kalau perkerjaan? Secara peribadi, bukan mudah untuk saya memutuskan untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan saya setahun yang lepas dan memilih untuk melanjutkan semula pelajaran. Dan bukan mudah untuk saya memilih untuk pindah rumah ke tempat lain untuk tinggal dgn kawan2 baru yang belum saya kenali...Namun, itulah kehidupan, walaupun sukar tetapi perubahan itu harus berlaku. Perubahan kepada sesuatu yang baru menuntut banyak usaha dan pengorbanan, besar atau kecil harus juga dilakukan.

Bagaimana pula dengan kehidupan rohanimu? Bukan mudah untuk menjadi berbeza dengan dunia, untuk keluar dari hal-hal keduniaan dan masuk dalam hal-hal yang surgawi...namun itu harus dilakukan... memilih untuk berbeza dan melawan arus dunia adalah perubahan paling besar dalam hidup saya. Saya boleh memilih untuk terus belayar dalam arus dunia yang penuh keseronokan yang tiada batasan. Namun, bukan itu pilihan saya. Saya memilih untuk belayar di dalam bahtera Bapa dan mengejar kekudusan di dalamNya dan hidup saya benar-benar menjadi baru dan berarti...Perubahan ini bukan sesuatu yang berlaku dalam sehari sahaja, tetapi mengambil masa...Namun, satu hal yang saya boleh katakan, saya telah dibentuk dan diubah sesuai dengan rencana Nya dalam hidup saya. Amen.

Berbalik kepada perpindahan di atas, dua minggu sebelum saya balik bercuti, dua perpindahan harus di uruskan. Rumah. Tak jauh la.hanya sebelah rumah saja. Tapi, banyak pengubahsuaian harus dilakukan. Bermula dengan peembersihan, ubahsuai (termasuk mengecat, pasang pintu, wiring, tampal-menampal) dan pindah barang...harap-harap lah dapat selesai dalam tempoh dua minggu.

Makmal. Dari lab yang jauh akan berpindah kembali ke fakulti. Sangat jauh dan banyak barang yang perlu di ‘pack and unpack”.

Apapun, kesimpulannya, perubahan dalam hidup itu perlu. Walaupun sukar tetapi harus dilalui. Sekiranya perubahan kita itu adalah dalam rencana Tuhan, hasil dari perubahan itu adalah sesuatu yang indah dan jauh lebih baik dari kehidupan kita yang lama. Jangan takut untuk berubah, kerana Bapa mu tidak akan sekalipun meninggalkanmu dan Dia akan terus menopangmu...Amen.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I need you boo....

I can't believe this!!! I really love that song by Chris Brown...actually, I always listen to the song from mix fm...nothing special bout it...but when I listen to that song again today through net and check out the lyrics...oooohhhh!!! love it!!! I'm single anyway...need nobody in the meantime, but I do hope (honestly), someone, somewhere, someday in the future... someone will dedicated this song to me...'yalah, takan saya pula mo dedicate pada org kan'. Not only dedicate la of course, but mean it... I keep on thinking, is there anybody on earth ever existed has ever love me and need me just like the singer loves his girl? I wonder.....? Anyway...'With You' my life is meaningful...Love ya!!!
Dedicated to all my friends...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Nothing damages our dignity like stumbling. Can you remember when you have stumbled? Nothing is more humiliating or embarrassing than spilling our dignity as we fall flat on our pride. The first thing we do is take a quick look around to see who might have noticed. We long to become invisible. Some of my stumbling experiences make me shudder just to call them to mind.

But, do you know something? Almost without exception the response of the onlookers is sympathy…identification with the embarrassment…mutual ache…a deep sense of inner support. In fact the immediate response is to help the stumbler back to his feet. I cannot remember a single occasion when anyone who stumbled was held down or stepped on by those nearby. I recall that there was instant concern for their hurt feelings and their physical welfare. I also recall that everyone who tripped got right back on his feet, shrugged off the humiliation, and forged ahead. There’s something to be learned, my friend, in all this business of stumbling.

In the penetrating letter of James, every verse is like a scalpel – cutting deep incisions in our conscience. Hidden within James 3:2 is something we often forget:

For we all stumbled in many ways.

What he’s saying? Nobody’s perfect…to stumble is normal…fact of life…an act that guarantees our humanness. He goes on to mention that we often stumble in what we say. When it comes to the tongue we blow it! He says (in 2:10) that stumbling brings guilt…even if it is in one small area. Isn’t that the truth?

Perhaps you have just stumbled as you read this today. You feel guilty, you feel like a failure. You wish like crazy you had never opened your mouth…or done what you did…or responded like that. You’re miserable, discouraged, and you like to hide, or better still…crawl of and die. Ridiculous!! Get out of the pool of self pity, brushed off the dirt with the promise of God’s forgiveness…and MOVE ON!!

Now I must add a word of realism. Instead of receiving the normal reaction of concern and support, you may find that some who saw you fall will want to hold you down or bad-mouth you because you slipped. Ignore them completely! They have forgotten that James 3:2 includes them. The only difference is that you didn’t get to see them stumble. But they have, believe me, they have.

What all this adds up to is not difficult to discover:




Stumblers who give up are a dime a dozen. In fact, they’re useless.

Stumblers who get up are rare. In fact, they’re priceless.

(Adapted from Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life by Charles R Swindoll)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I love this song...


Hidup yang kupilih
Membuatku berarti
Ker'na Yesus Tuhan
Tempat kupercaya dan berharap

Ku buka mataku
Lihat Sek'lilingku
Ku harus nyatakan
Kebenaran-Nya yang membebaskan

Kar'na kuasa-Mu
Kar'na Kehebatan-Mu
Ku dapat lakukan
Perkara besar
Yang Engkau janjikan

Yesus, Kaulah sahabatku
Yesus, Kau yang akan s'lalu berada disisiku
Kau sumber kuatku

Yesus, Kaulah sahabatku
Yesus, Kau yang tak pernah jemu-jemu disisiku
Kau sumber kuatku

Kau sahabatku
Berada di sisiku
Kau sahabatku selama-lamanya
Kau sahabatku berada di sisiku

What are the things we have in common?

  • Hairstyle? Nope
  • Fashion? Nope
  • Favorite colors? Maybe yes
  • Interest/Hobbies? Different, I guess…I’m too scientific but they are more to engineering and IT.
  • Thoughts? We do quarrel sometimes…different thoughts
  • Hometown? Well, maybe. We all from Borneo. Just different in district and states.
  • Nationality? Malaysian, unless we want to change to another nationality. 'manalah tau kan'..hehe..
  • Address? Totally different…
  • Favorite food? Some like KFC and some did not…I like MacDonald but some just prefer the French fries…
  • Favorite movie genre? We go for movie together sometimes…not always…
  • Age? I’m the oldest. The guy at the back is the youngest. Another two same age
  • Birthdays? Nope…different...
  • Goals in life? Maybe different…maybe not…
  • Political views? Hmmm…Are we voting during the recent PRU?
  • Status? I’m single, but they’re not…hehe.

So, what are the things we have in common? We are so different in many aspects and areas of life. This is the answer; we’re all are precious child of God, apple of His eyes and saved by His grace in Christ Jesus. Isn’t that wonderful? Everyone is created uniquely, yet God loves us all in spite of our weaknesses and differences. His Love has brought us together in one faith and one hope…Thank you Lord…

Why weekends are always fun, enjoyable and memorable….?


I have seminar that day, from 9 to 11 am. What’s the topic? Oh ya…on Safety handlings of Chemical (I think so). Anyway, after the seminar, me and my friend went to infoport, do some cleaning (I smell like rotten stuff/fungi after that) and updated my facebook and wrote on my blog and went back home at around 5pm…My busiest moments started. At 7.30pm I rushed to KTM station and off to PJ. I have cell group at 9 and on that day my cousins invited us to have BBQ at her house. How on earth I’m going to divide my time? Anyway, I went to CG first (which something happen and we finish quite early) and we off to my cousin’s house and having great dinner!! Two things at a time…haha…never did that before…after the dinner, I ‘lepak’ with my cousins until around 4.30am, download some photo and went to sleep at 5.30am. Exhausted….


Beep!!! Beep!!! My alarm woke me up at 6.30am. I need to get ready to accompany my friend to LCCT. Off to LCCT at 8am.Good things I’m not the driver…cos I’m so sleepy. We reached LCCT at 9am. My cousin just dropped us there and went off. I and my best friend have to wait until our friend boarded on plane, and we went off to KL Sentral by bus. I’ve to rush because I have appointment with my friends in Mid Valley at 11 am. I’m late already…because I reached there at 1pm…Thank God. They still wait for me. We chatted for a while until at around 3pm. After that I’ve to rush back to Serdang because I’ve an EP meeting that night at my professor’s house…I almost ‘blackout’ inside the train…soooo crowded and hot!!! I reached home 2 hours after that and have to get ready for the meeting that night…I enjoyed the meeting actually. After the meeting, one of my friend (Whom I just met that night) offered to sent me home to PJ…I’m so thankful for her. Really ‘God sent’ angel…I reached PJ at midnight and ‘pengsan’ until morning…hehe…


The best day of the week!!! We reached church at almost 9am. I was so happy to meet my friends again and most important I’m back to that peaceful moment before my Abba Father…Our service ended at 11am and we have ‘makan2’. At 12 we have short prayer meeting for the youths…so encouraged to see everyone was totally committed in prayer…Keep It up guys!!! The day did not end yet…One of our friends was admitted to HTAR and diagnosed with dengue fever last Friday…poor Kiong chai…such a big guy defeated by a tiny mini mosquito. Off to Klang to visit him. There were many of us went there and some of went there by van. I was in the van. As usual, Klang is always not our place…so, we lost our ways again…haha…make one U-turn and two circle round the round about…The best excuse to say, ‘makan angin la’…haha…anyway, we found our way and reached Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (HTAR) successfully. We surrounded ‘kiong chai’ bed and I thought we can make another service there. We totally occupied the place. Hehe…We chatted for a while, encouraged him and not to forget prayed for him. That is what friends for, uphold each other in prayer. We went off, but I still have another appointment with my best friend in Mid Valley. I went there, meet her, did some shopping and ‘ balik rumah’ after that…so exhausted…But I’m glad, all my three days went by meaningfully with full of encouragement for each other…

Got the picture why weekends is always the best days of the week? For me personally, those days are the days that make me realize that I’m not alone. My life is surrounded by so many blessings, which are my friends. Monday to Friday I always feel lonely, but when it comes to weekends, the loneliness is gone. The days keep reminding me that either weekdays or weekends, my friend is always there for me. Just dial their number and they are always ready to answer the phone. This brings me to another question. Am I ready for them? The answer is…YES…By God’s strength, I’m always ready to help and pray for my friends…because, I cares for all of them…This is my prayer for all my friends that our friendship will never end no matter what obstacles comes along the way, because we are brought together by the love of God…Amen.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Think about His love...

Our theme for last year FRD...

Think about His love
Think about His goodness
Think about His grace
That brought us through
For as high as the heaven's above
Great is the measure of our Father's Love

How could I forget His Love
How could I forget His mercy
He satisfied, He satisfied
He satisfied my desire
Great is the measure of Our Father's Love....

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hanyong haseyo...

Greetings from Korea!! Yesterday, me and my friend, Tunung, went to FGA to meet a group of Koreans friend...A group of quite elderly Korean visit Malaysia for 1 or 2 days before heading to Banda Aceh. They are friendly, can I say very smiley:)...When we arrived at the FGA mission house, they welcomed us with the sweet aroma of durian!!! Its smells good and of course, it's also taste good...After our dinner, which were Korean noodles, kimchi, glutinous rice,and seeweed (all from Korea, originally), we gather for a while and they pray for us...I'm so touched actually...they knew us just for...less than an hour...yet, they are so passionate that they are willing to pray for me and Tunung...I'm so bless...After that we went to SIB PJ for a short prayer meeting that night...
My message is no matter how far or different is our nationality, races and language, we still can come together and be a blessing to each other...the most important things we still can pray for each other...I'm so blessed to be part of this Great Family...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Now I know...

Day by the days went by...Things became clearer. God is good and gracious. He answers all my prayer...the more I'm seeking for answer to my question, the more I understand. Now I realized he is not the one for me...less than a month everything becomes so clear and the most grateful things I would says is that I've been through all this well...It is well with my soul...
This song I dedicated to my friend, a new friend, whom I knew just for one week and honestly I say able to capture my heart a little while...which now I guess I have to let it go...if you are reading this friend, (which I guess, he don't even bother to view my blog by now) I just hope you will learn from your mistake...kasih yang kita cari selama ini bukan lah semata2 kasih sesama manusia, kekasih mahupun kasih akan harta benda...tetapi yang terutama adalah kasih Allah yang boleh kehilangan kasih dari org yg saya cintai tetapi tidak kasih Allah...when God is with me I have my everything...even though I lost all things...Friend, I might have said this many times, but I want to say it again...Dirimu sangat berharga di mata Tuhan, jangan sia-siakan hidupmu dengan hal2 duniawi yang hanya sia-sia dan sementara...Carilah dahulu kerajaan Allah, maka semuanya akan disediakan bagimu...your desire to be changed by God is the most important things you should think of now...and start the journey soon...jangan pandang kiri-pandang kanan lagi...go straight towards the goal...jangan menjadi sama dengan dunia tetapi jadilah anak2 Terang yang berbeza dari dunia. You are have a lot of talents, but if you choose not to use it for God's kingdom, your life is meaningless...

Honestly, I heard some rumors bout you and it's breaks my heart to hear that...I know, I do not have the chance anymore to see you, but live your life to the best, my not despise your youth...that's all I have to say by now...This song is for you...just the lyrics, no melody...but I hope it works miraculously in your life...You are always in my prayer...For you, Seth....

Day By Day

Day by day...
Day by day...
O dear Lord, three things I pray...
To see Thee more clearly,
Love Thee more dearly,
Follow Thee more nearly,
Day by day...

Follow Thee more nearly....
Day by day...


I love Sunday…

Sunday is always the highlights of the week. Sunday is the day when the God big family’s reunion took place. Last Sunday(13/04/2008) as usual I went to church with my cousin. As an early riser, I hope I’ll be there at 8:30 am but my friend screwed up the time and we reach there at 9am…It's still acceptable because everyone seem to came late that day. The service started at 9 am and ended at around 11am. After that, at 12noon we have our youth service until 2 pm. The sermon of the day was about Holiness which was taken from Hebrews 12:1 (main service) and about the power of resurrection which was taken from Ephesians 1:19-20 (youth service). I really like the sermon about the holiness. Really goes to my heart and that is exactly the practical things that I’m going to apply to my own personal life. And…it also reminds me of my friend which I hope I can share with him, but maybe next time when I meet him somewhere in the future…

Anyway, after church, as we have planned earlier, we went for movies… me and my 3 beloved friends as well as my cousin, went for movie in Mid Valley. It was like my first time after months, I guess…to hangout with you guys...and I’m having a great, great, great time! After the movies, everyone seems to be so craving for food even though we are not that hungry…my friend suggested we go to Klang…hm…again its remind me of my friend...but I’m having such great time. Why should I bother bout him…so, we’re off to Klang, which we end up in one place which they called Berkeley…quite a huge place with a lot of food stalls that offer you all kind of foods…” Bak Kut Teh untuk 2 orang”. My cousin ordered for both of us…and that’s my dinner for that day, which I love the most…from 7pm we were there until 10pm…we chatted and chatted, from funny stuff, later on changed to serious stuff and a little bit of encouragement for one another…I’m so blessed that day. I realized God have blest me with a very grown up, mature and devoted friends…I’m the eldest yet age doesn’t bring any difference…we’re all has grown up so much for the past two years that I’ve known them…

If it is not because of the match between MU and Arsenal (correct me if I’m wrong) that night, I guess we would stay there even longer…But one of my friend, which is MU fanatic, don’t want to miss the match, so we have to go home…Before we headed to Shah Alam, we plan to go to Pelabuhan Klang, which we were actually have no idea where is that place and how to go there…well…we ended up went round and round Klang, and never found the place…which means we lost our ways la…hahaha…well, it’s ok…makan angin la katakan…and even it’s almost 11pm whereabouts the match is about to start…off to Shah Alam to send Peru and Hols home…me, sis, and my cousin went back to PJ…that was how my Sunday occupied…

Thanks guys for the wonderful day that we have…Mary, Peru, Hols and Julius…great to hang out with you all…we go ‘together gether’ again next time…hehe…and hope our big brother Adam can join us…

My days are surrounded with great friends…what else should I ask for? I shall not be in want…Amen.

Beautiful Picture in My life

Beautiful picture? Over my entire past 25 years of life, what would be the most beautiful picture I ever capture in my mind through my eyes? I’ve been on top of Mount Kinabalu (not as high as Mount Everest, of cause) and I always told my friend, the scenery of its sunrise is the most beautiful picture I ever captured in my minds and even until now I still remember how its looks like…soooo…beautiful!!! But, last Sunday I’ve found a new answer. I’m not good in describing things, but I’ll try my best… The most beautiful picture I captured was last Sunday morning. I reached church exactly at 9am. I thought I was late but eventually that day everyone came after 9. I sat with my friends as usual…Instead of preparing myself for the morning service, I looked around. Its seems that everyone was smiling, greeting each other, shake hands, mothers gently cuddling their kids, and even those who are new were warmly welcomed by the ushers. I realized the atmosphere was so peaceful and harmonize that you can’t find any intensity which you usually found once you step outside the door. In my own words, I would say everyone was so prepared to be in God’s presence even before they stepped into the church hall that morning…I hope to see that again next week…And I’m so blessed to be part of God’s family on that beautiful Sunday… And that was the ‘picture’ that I captured in my mind that day…

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Heart Cries...

My Heart Cries…

Write a blog!!! It’s 3 am in the morning and I can’t sleep. Must be the effect of Nescafe that I drank later in the evening. After such a period of not being addicted to coffee, the effect of even a little amount is very strong…Now I realize, I’m still not used to drink coffee.

Anyway, I woke up, eased myself a little, switched on the light and grabbed my precious tiny Bible and my favorite devotional book. I would say, “If I can’t sleep, then God must have something to tell me this very early morning.” I opened the book and my eyes falls on the word ‘Tears’. Wow!! Great... That really reminds me on all the tears that I’ve shed and even those that unshed able.

What would the Bible says about tears? Psalm 56:8 says, “You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?” (NKJV) The article goes like this:

‘When words fail, tears flow. Tears have a language all their own, a tongue that needs no interpreter. In some mysterious way, our complex inner-communication systems know when to admit its verbal limitations…and the tears come. Eyes that flashed and sparkled only moments before are flooded from a secret reservoir. We try in vain to restrain the flow, but even strong men falter. Tears are not self-conscious. They can spring upon us when we are speaking in public, or standing besides others who look to us for strength. Most often, they appear when our soul is overwhelmed with feelings that words cannot describe. Our tears may flow during the singing of a great, majestic hymn, or when we are alone, lost in some vivid of memory or wrestling in prayer.
Did you know that God takes special notice of those tears of yours? (Psalm 56:8).
David said, “The Lord has heard the voice of my weeping.”
A teardrop on earth summons the King of Heaven. Rather than being ashamed or disappointed, the Lord takes note of our inner friction when hard times are oiled by tears. He turns these situations into moments of tenderness; He never forgets those crises in our lives where tears are shed.”(Adapted from Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life by Charles R Swindoll)

After reading the article, I opened my Bible and turned to these verses from Luke 7:36-50, a story of A Sinful Women Forgiven (NKJV). I’ll cite some of the verses, but it is the best to read all.
Verse 37-38: And behold, a women in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrance oil, and stood at His feet behind Him and weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil.

I believe, the tears that shed represent her deepest realization that she is a sinner, and no words can ever describe how deep her regrets were but only tears. I continued to read until verse 47, and wow!! The story turns beautifully when Jesus says, “Therefore I say to you, her sins which are many are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.”48 And He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”…50 Then He said to the women,” Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”
Isn’t that beautiful? The women does not sinned once, but ‘many sins’, yet God’s forgiveness is upon all. I start to ponder on my own life. How many times have I sinned and this is the definite answer, many times...But, God is so gracious, when we comes sincerely with our hearts and ask for forgiveness, He not only forgive but also forget…What else can I say, when God of all the earth, King of majesty, forgive and forget all my confessed sins?...

The sun almost rises, and I guess the coffee effect has turn off. I will end with this verse from John 8:11, She said,” No one Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” Think about it…He forgives, He forgets and we… sin no more…1 John 1:9," If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Never let the devil deceived you by keep reminding you of your past transgressions. Hold on to what Jesus said, “Your sins are forgiven” and that is definite…
God Bless all the readers…

Written on Saturday, April 12, 2008, 3 am.

I am Speechless.....

I’m Speechless…..

To be in love with somebody is never easy, for me. Two to three weeks ago I met one guy whom I honestly says, he capture my heart. We just get to know each other for only one week and he falls for me…I’m totally speechless!!…What should I say? It’s not easy for me to fall into somebody now, because I’m still in the process of accepting the fact that someone else is just not meant for me…my heart is still hurts and I’m so afraid to be hurt again.

But sad to say, again and again, when I thought everything is blossoming again, and I was ready to accept somebody, ‘draught’ or can I say ‘big flood’ comes…a week after that, he stopped contacting me. No SMS, no YM, no email, what more, a call. That’s it? After giving me so much hope, he turns me down…I’m totally speechless, again…

Speechless, in the sense that I have to accept the fact that God has a better plan or may I say more specific, better person. He might be the one or he might not…I choose to wait and be still for in God I found my strength…Isaiah 30:15…”In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” Better I conclude this way. The week when the ‘silence’ is all that I have, is the most difficult week for me…heart break, disappointment, stressed (with exams and assignments) and all the things that only tears can describe happened to me. Only God knows.

But…when I looked back, which means this week, I’ve been through the bad days, miraculously. God has sustained me! I’m speechless again, in awesome and wonders. Now, I can proudly say, “what can man do to me?”…Hebrews 13:5-6 says, “Keep you lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
So, we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me
?” Awesome!!...Isaiah 43:1-2, “…..Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” What else can I say? He is more than enough. We ask for strength, He is our strength. We ask for love. He first loves us (John 3:16) and nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8: 35-39). We ask for protection. He will even walk with us through the fire and the flame never set us ablaze (Isaiah 43:1-2). We ask for peace, He is the peace giver (John 14:27)…He is our everything…I shall not be in want (Psalm23:1)…We ask for guidance. He is our Shepherd (Psalm 23:1)…I’m speechless, again… in His awesome wonders…All I can say, Lord, I Thank You….
Written on Saturday, April 12, 2008, 4.30am.

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